Business to Business leads

B2B Data


Cost per

Compiled Business





Diabetic Leads



Cost per

Long Form






Mid Form






Short Form





Voice Broadcasting Features

100% Web Based Account Management

View anything about your campaigns in real time.

Scrub your lists against the State and Federal Do Not Call Database.

Internal Customer DNC Support

Press 1s, Predictive Campaigns, Forward and Reverse IVR, Message Blasts

Anything from political campaigns to lead generation.

Announcement and Voicemail Drops.

100% Fiber Network

The best voice quality in the industry.

Ask your current provider if they have a fiber network!

CNAM Management

Control your outbound Caller ID in real time.

Ability to route callbacks or allow a second chance opt out.

Consumer and Business Database Access

Access our database on a per record basis or by way of an unlimited account.  All OPT-IN Data from all types of sources.

                             Predictive Dialing Plans

Rookie (24\7 Unlimited Dialer)

Amateur (24\7 Unlimited Dialer + Consumer Data)

Professional (24\7 Unlimited Dialer + Consumer + Modeled Data)

Voice Broadcasting Plans

                     Press 1, IVR, Announcement, Survey, Message Drops















*Contact your sales rep for more details. 

Get your phone ringing off the hooks with interested customers.


Website Design and Search Engine Optimization: and Lead Management System for all industries. We can now offer web design for a professional looking  website . We have great rates. We can  build a site that looks professional and will help you generate more business and keep track of those contacting your company for services .

Get a professional site built for as low as $500 .Very experienced at mortgage ,debt , and loan modification sites that generates leads.Great Quality work at a great affordable price and a site that is so very nice!Great graphics and animation etc..


We now offer search engine optimization and can get your sites ranked  high on most search engines and generating more revenue for your company at a fraction of a cost that other companies offer.


Mail Campaigns


Mail Campaigns for as low as .47-.50 each and less for Debt ,Mortgage and more..We get great data  and can design mailings and drop ship and handle everything from start to finish to provide your company with a successful mail campaign that will bring great results and sales. Our mail campaigns will have your phone ringing off the hook.

Mail Campaigns





CRM Access

Z Folded Pressure Sealed Snap Packs OR Envelope with a Window.

Barcode Tracking

Mail Pieces
















*Contact your sales rep for more details. 


Specialty List For Lots of industries We are your one-stop shop for direct-marketing needs, including:

• Special "Proprietary" industry lists which we guarantee quality  the best in the industry
• Targeted Business to Business "Email Lists"
• Extensive list brokerage and list search services
• Enhancements to your existing mailing lists - Email / Phone Appends
We can do everything from start to finish

If we don’t have the list we will find it.
All this and competitive prices too. We have over 40,000 lists that we have at our fingers that we can find which one fits your needs.

We pride ourselves in the best quality lists and have a fast friendly and dependable service.

Get the best list for mailing ,telemarketing, and emailing. Get your ROI!

We specialize in direct marketing .Its our job to get the prospects and your job to close.

Select from:

Proprietary Lists

Specialty Industry Lists (Our Partner developed and Updates and owns)

More than 500,000 business contacts

Email addresses (These are Updated weekly)

Telephone numbers

Fax numbers

Free updates whenever you need them

Exceptional accuracy, and our written quality guarantee

Select Names by:

SIC/Industry Code

Job Title/Function


These lists are developed and maintained by dedicated, in-house research group that regularly updates these highly accurate, targeted lists.

These are very special lists and they are not available anywhere else!


Business Lists

Access to thousands of listings not available through other list providers

A database of 18 million records, encompassing all types and sizes of businesses

Target by industry, geography, sales volume, company size, job function and more

Consumers Lists

We maintain one of the most comprehensive databases in the industry

Encompasses over 98% of all consumers

Includes more than 215 million records in 110 million households across the nation

Make sure your customer and prospect files are as up to date, effective and targeted as possible. We provide fast, easy—and affordable—services to help you.

Add and/or Update Email Addresses

Add missing email addresses to your customer and prospect files

Verify the deliverability of your current Email list

Add and/or Update Phone Numbers

Add missing phone numbers to your customer and prospect files

Verify the accuracy of your current phone list

National Change of Address (NCOA)

You'll drastically reduce the number of undeliverable records

You'll eliminate duplicate records

We can add Nixie codes, which will flag close matches and indicate why a match wasn't made. (Allows you to take specific corrective action.)

Add Demographic Information

Target your outreach by adding demographic information to your lists

Allows you to better analyze your customer base .

Enhance Consumer Lists by Adding:

Enhance Business Lists With:

Age (exact or inferred)

Children by age

Credit Card Holders

Dwell Type




Home Value


Length of Residence

Lifestyle Selects

Mail Responsive

Marital Status


Phone Numbers

Presence of children

Employee Size

Sales Volume

Key Contact Names

Employee Size Range

Phone Number

Fax Numbers

Job Function

Verify Phone Numbers Against "Do Not Call" Registry

By law, this service must be performed every three months on any lists in active use

Our accuracy rate is second to none.

We will interface with national databases of 35 million unique phone numbers, delivering the highest match-rate possible.

Want to update area codes? Use our fast, efficient update process.



Mailing and Phone Lists

Auto Warranty Leads

2002 & up with over 35 million records with First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Zip+4, Phone 1, Vehicle Year, Vehicle Make, Vehicle Model, (vin#)


Business Opportunity Leads

2008-2010. Well over 50 million leads with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email, when ready, best time to call, country, important, expected cost, important2.

Co-Registration Opt-In Leads

2007-2010. Over 300 million opt-in coregistration leads generated over the last 3 years. Headers: email, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, source, IP, time/date, dob, gender, etc. (varying fields)

Debt Settlement Leads
2007-2011. Well over 7 million leads with varying fields.

Education Leads

2009. People seeking education in different markets. 400k leads from 2008. Fields vary.

Life Insurance Leads

Over 1 million leads from 2005-2010 with email, name, address, city, state, zip, country, gender, phone, dob, time/date, height, weight, smoke, amount, IP, etc. Fields vary.

Mortgage Leads

2005-2010 Well over 15  million leads with varying fields. (standard mortgage headers)

Payday Loan Leads

2008-2011. Well over 12 m

illion leads inquiring about getting a cash advance loan until their next paycheck. Fields vary (short form)



Accountants CPA's

Nearly 14k records with Company Name, Contact Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email & Website.

Accountants CPA's

Nearly 14k records with Company Name, Contact Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email & Website.


Australian Businesses

Over 1 million records with Organization, Address, Location, State, Zip, St Name, St Number, St Extra, Email, Odd even, website, number of employees, AC phone, AC Fax, Phone, Fax, Mobile, ABN


Nearly 40k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name


Over 80k records with varying fields (no emails)

Boat Dealers

11k+ records with varying fields (no emails)

Boat Owners

Nearly 3 million records with email, fname, lname, address, city, state, zip, dob, database, number of children, gender.

Beauty Companies

Over 10k records with Company Name, Contact Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email & Website

Belgium Businesses

Over 150k records with Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Phone, Fax, WebSite, Description, CategoryID, Email, Contact, ProductsServices, BusinessType, Employees, Income


Nearly 33k records with email, company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, website, contact name

Businesses In Other Countries

Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, France, Italy, Malaysia, Middle Eastern Businesses, Oman, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Vietnam fields

Canadian Consumers 2008
CompanyName, CompanyAddress, City, Provice, Postal Code, Phone, Phone2, Fax, WebSite, Email, ContactName, ContactName2 Email, FName, LName, Address, ADDR2, City, St, Zip, Country, Phone, Date/time, IP, Gender, DOB & Source

Canadian Fax



Nearly 114k records with company name, address, phone, fax, email & website

Churches & Ministries

72k records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

College Student Emails

1.7mm emails

Computer/Software Professionals
65k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name


Cruise Travel/Vacation Professionals
36k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name


600k plus dentists with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, and website


Over 1 million records with numerous fields in numerous categories


Over 18k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

          European executives

Over 240k records with company name, website, name, title, address, city, state, zip, providence, country, phone, fax, employees, revenue, industry, sic, email

Financial Businesses

Over 116k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact

Fitness Gyms

Over 3k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website

Food & Restaurant

Over 27k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Fortune 1000 Companies

1000 records with rank, revenue, company name, industry sector, ceo, website, phone, address, risk buyers name, risk buyers title, contacts email

any name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

France Businesses

Over 200k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City State Country, Phone, Fax, WebSite, Email, ContactName, CategoryID

Grant Seekers (US)

Over 151k records with first name, surname, lead, address 1, address 2, city, state, postal, phone, date, ip, sex, country, dob, Aff ID, media_ch, Url

Hauling, Moving, & Trucking

Over 16k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website

Health & Wellness Professionals

Over 77k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact


Over 6k records with Hospital, Address, City, State, Zip, Tel, Fax, CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs, list of fax numbers for all hospitals, Hospital-Stats, Hospitals, Medical Directors, Nursing Directors, Senior Administrators

Hotels & Motels

Over 7k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Hotels & Motels

Over 7k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Infomercial Buyers

Over 400k records with fname, lname, addr, city, state, zip, tel, ccexpr, cclastfour, cctype.

Insurance Agents & Brokers

Over 36k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Insurance Agents & Brokers

Over 36k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Italy Businesses

Over 180k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Email, Website, Phone, Fax, ContactName

IT Companies

Over 120k records with name, company name, address, city, state, zip, fax, phone, email, sic, employees, salaries


Over 6k records with name, company name, address, city, state, zip, fax, phone, fax, email, website, contact name



Over 200k records with company name, name, address, city, state, zip, county, phone, fax, email, born, etc.

London Businesses

Over 65k records with Company, Town, County, Postcode, Telephone, Prefix, Fname, Sname, JobRole, Email.

            Timeshare Owners

Over 1 million records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, resort


Over 1 million records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, resort



Marketing Companies & Executives
Over 100k records with email, company, title, name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, fax, website. Fields vary - more than one database make the whole



Over 1 million mortgage brokers with various fields of information.

Nursing Homes

Over 650k records with Nursing Home, Address, City, State, Zip, Tel, Fax, Name, Title


Pharmacy Companies

Over 6k records with category, company, address, city, zip, state, phone, fax, email, website, contact name



Pharmacy Buyers

Over 200k records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email, drug, drug2




Premier Investors



Public Companies Emails

Over 2k emails



Seminar Attendees & Course Buyers

Over 350k records with name, address, city, state, zip, email, phone Publishers Printers

Over 100k records with name, title, company name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, fax, industry, sic, employees, sales, website, email


Over 600k records with company name, name, phone, fax, email, address, city, zip, state, county




Over 8 million records with email, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, website source, ip, time/date, gender, dob

Small Businesses

Nearly 300k records with company, website, email, prefix, name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, fax, industry, sic

Spanish Speaking Consumers

Over 7 million records with Email, Fname, Lname, Addr, City, State, Zip, Phone, Dob, Gender, DT, IP, Source



Over 300k records with email, name, ip, opt date, source

Spain Businesses

Over 130k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Email, Website, Phone, Fax, ContactName, CategoryID




Stock Investors

Over 3 million records with email, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, ip, time/date

Switzerland Businesses

Over 200k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Email, Website, Phone,
Fax, Contact, Business Type, County

Switzerland Consumers

Over 800k records with Category, Company Name, Address, Country, Phone Contacts, Fax Numbers, Web Sites, Email Addresses, Contact Names and Positions, Description, Products and Services, Type of Business, Years in Business, Employees, Income

Taiwan Businesses

Over 150k records with Custid, EngName, EngAddr, EngGm, Area, Tel, Fax, Email, URL, PIC


Timeshare Owners

Over 1 million records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, resort

Timeshare No Buys

Over 65k records


UK Cell Owners

Over 850k records

UK Consumers & Businesses

Millions of records

U.S. Business Fax List

Over 2 million fax numbers



U.S. & Canadian Businesses 2008

Millions of records

U.S. Consumers 2008

60 million plus records, fields vary due to more than one database.


U.S. Businesses 2009

Nearly 13 million records with Domain Name, Company, Contact, Address, Address2, City, State, ZIP, Tel, Fax, Email.

U.S. Cell Phone Records

Nearly 40 million+ records with name, address, city, state, zip, cell phone number


U.S. Manufacturers

Over 20k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact, year established, avg annual gross rev

Venture Capitalists

Over 10k records with company name, address, zip, state, phone, fax, email, website, contact name



24k records with varying fields (no phone)

Vietnam Businesses

Over 50k records with company_id, company_add_vn, company_add_us, Com Form_ID, email, internet address, m_phone, town etc


*Please note that you are responsible for DNC filtering, data cleaning, being can-spam compliant and following all laws for each channel you market to. We are not responsible for any filtering or any liabilities that would result from your marketing. We only provide data & discounts. You agree upon subscription or purchase not to hold us liable for any issues that may arise from your marketing to or using the data.*


Tony Hedrick for leads and other services

We work 7 days a week 7am -7pm PST
Please Contact Tony Hedrick today at 714-552-4244


Tony Hedrick

CALL ME at (714)-552--4244

FAX 714-242-6647

May today be your best day ever!

Be positive  and have good thoughts !

May peace be with you and your family!

Lets Make money Together!







Live inbound phone calls from traditional media/radio/tv/internet pay per call and so on: $27.00-$25 and less per inbound call with a 60 second buffer. Inbound calls have a minimum required order of 75 for tests and ongoing orders minimums of 250 calls.


Realtime Pain Exclusive internet leads:    $22.50 -$18.50  minimum order 50 for tests and ongoing routed in real-time to clients CRM or lead system or regular delivery via email or batch FTP.


Short Form Pain Internet Co-Reg leads:  $4.50 -$3.50 per lead. Minimum order 275 leads bulk discount on these as well if you purchase quantities of 1000 or more per week.


             A  Plus Action Leads has the best Student Debt Loan Leads in the lead Industry. Get Click to call web calls for those looking to get out of Student debt from Student loans today.

For as low as $19 to $17 you can get web calls flooding your sales floor.
Every order of 200 or more Student Debt web calls leads gets 200 free exclusive real time internet leads.
Get Click to call web calls for those looking to get out of Student debt from Student loans today.

Exclusive Student Debt Live Transfers screened for filters are $27 each.
From U.S. Call center all calls recorded and you have the recordings as well to listen to. We filter them before transferring and you have a buffer .These are great Student Loan Debt Leads

Exclusive Student Debt Real Time Internet Leads  $7-$6 each depending on QTY and real time.

Aged Student Debt Loan Leads..
Aged 90 days and less for .05 to .02 each
We also have lots of aged internet and transfer leads that are perfect to do mailers or to put into your dialer. We have 200,000 from this year alone in aged Student Debt Loan Consolidation Leads..

Call 714-552-4244 ask for Tony For more info on your Student Loan Debt Leads today.

Backend for Student Debt is a phone call away.. Looking to get into Student Debt Loan Consolidation..Call me and I will turn you on to a great backend company so that you can start closing deals fast.


SPECIAL AGED  over 900,000 aged Loan Mod Live Transfers, Internet from 2014 lots of recent 2015  for $1000


Over 60,000 aged TV internet live transfer tax leads $2500.great for closing tax resolution deals and good for your dialer. These are a combination of live transfers from our US call center,radio,tv call ins,internet and opt in.from July 2013 till recent.

Also fresh aged for as low as .50 each


SPECIAL DEBT Settlement LEADS Aged TV Leads Internet,with phones etc.

Special 750,000 Leads from JANUARY 2015 till recent  for  $1,000

Plus More  Internet etc..

These are from one of my affiliates  and not from my own leads..This is aged leads from other campaigns that are outside of my company and excellent for dialers.

Great results..I repeat this is not from one of my campaigns  and I have access to these leads through networking etc from my affiliates as I would not be stupid enough to sell my own data..These are great leads for a cheap price and will keep your phones ringing off the hook..


A+ Action Leads
Tony Hedrick

Phone (714)552-4244 or

SKYPE: tonyleads

$15.00-$8 each Exclusive Voice Broadcast Leads –SPANISH IS NOW AVAIL.. Same Price!Live Transfer For Mortgage ,Debt Settlememnt,Debt Management,Tax Relief,Loan Modification,Reverse Mortgage,Education,Auto Warranty,Auto Finance,Insurance,Vacation Packages,Payday loans,Timshares,Political,Dentistry,Medical,VAcation Packages,Timeshare, and many more.

Pay internet lead prices for INBOUND Live Transfer Leads! For only $15-$8/call, our new system puts your sales officers in direct contact with live people in need of your services! New automated Voice Broadcast technology allows our company to bring this revolutionary process to you for a fraction of what other companies are charging for Live Transfer’s.
Filter who the calls are made to by State in either English or Spanish
Have inbound calls during business hours only, and transfer calls to cell phones if you want! All Voice Broadcast Transfers are 100% Exclusive. Contact me at the number below for more detailed information!
With good sales reps their getting more than 40% apps.

We're now able to automatically generate inbound phone calls to your sales officers. Consumers calling your office will be pre-filtered to your exact specifications. You will have an excellent idea of who will be calling before they call.

Using newly developed technology, our Voice Broadcast lead generation program utilizes our vast 25 million record database. Once your list has been checked against the national “Do Not Call” list, we record an automated message for your company or you can you can make your own in English or Spanish.

After your approval, we broadcast this message for you during hours you choose. If the consumer is interested, they press one and are immediately connected

You can control your call schedule and days and tracking at a push of a button on your computer.

You can make your own outgoing message in English or Spanish

We can also charge you per minute for outgoing calls at 2.5 per minute -1.5 per minute and less.

*** NEW ***Voice Broadcast 60 Second Lead $40 each, ***BEST LEAD In My OPINION!***********************
Same as above but ,you only pay for the calls that remain on the line for at least 60 seconds .Anything less and you don’t pay for.. A great lead !You can tell in that amount of time who is a serious caller. Min 50 leads. Ask for samples of recordings.
This generation system can be used in numerous marketing campaigns in other industries such as debt, time share , vacation packages, automobile, insurance and more.
This works great and keeps those phones ringing and the cash flowing.
You’ll be more than happy with these

BRANCHING AUTO MOD..DEBT SETTLEMENT/TAX DEBT SETTLEMENT/LOAN MODIFICATION Branching: I can now have you set up with your own debt settlement/Tax Settlement/Loan Modification  branch and office without any initiation fees or upfront costs .Yes be able to get into the Debt industry fast with the best back end processing company around with a high rating on the BBB .You just initiate the original lead and close the deal and from there they handle the rest.

Complete customer service and processing including Doc U Sign at your fingertips .They do most of the states that you can do business in..They accept new companies and existing . Please contact me for this great opportunity.
No up front set up cost of fees paid..A- rating on Better Business Bureau. High retention rate.

Hang the lawyers License in your office


Also we carry Payday loan Leads exclusives ,semis , and aged.


A+ now has nationwide radio commercials in Spanish and  internet ads on huge Spanish networks and has our call centers number for them to call.Then we filter the lead  and transfer the   call directly to your rep with the client on the phone  ......Must speak  Spanish and these leads are  $45-$40 each depending on QTY and states................Loan Modifications and Debt, Auto and more



 !!DEBT TELEVSION COMMERCIAL  LIVE TRANSFERS$55-$47 We are delivering daily and unlike other companies we can get you up and running in a day or two instead of waiting a week.  Getting great results Read Debt Leads Section! Nationwide ..Tracking report !Great ROI!Unlike the other Media companies that promise Quantity and don’t produce what the promise “WE Do!..We do generate 1,000s a day and do not over sell! QUANTITY daily!



All leads can be ordered for Spanish Speakers also!


SPECIAL Aged IRS TAX LEADS. Over 200,000 aged tv internet live transfer tax leads $2500.great for closing tax resolution deals and good for your dialer. These are a combination of live transfers from our US call center,radio,tv call ins,internet and opt in.

Also fresher aged for as low as .50 each and less internet and tv!30 day -90 day


Spanish Tax leads $65-$55 depending on QTYnationwide


ON MAJOR TV STATIONS such as Fox Sports,ESPN,History Channel and more .These are great TAX Relief TV commercials and the calls come directly to you after the customer sees the commercial and dials our toll free number..We are generating 1,000s daily and unlike our competition like LR and others these are not being shown on Channels like Ion and others that generate bad calls with people just messing around. These are higher Quality Tax Settlement leads and are closing a high percentage. The best Tax Live Transfers in the Lead industry.


TAX DEBT LIVE TRANSFERS SCREENED$65-$55 and less depending On QTY.


.We qualify the potential tax client on the phone for filters below then send your TAX Debt client in serious need of your help to your TAX Counselor via the Phone.If they meet the criteria and have time to talk we then transfer the client via phone to your reps .You will have 2 minutes from that time to accept or deny the lead..This is the one of the best leads in the TAX Settlement industry .We use Kall8 to track al calls
A huge closing percentage ..Get the best tax leads today and close tomorrow..

15 k + in tax debt
Wants to resolve their tax debt (we exclude property tax and sales tax)
Has time to talk to a tax specialist
120  second accept or deny leads
3 minute guaranteed talk time is $75

5 minute guaranteed talk time is $85


Aged Call Center IRS Tax Resolution Leads

15-30 days old $15-$10 each

30 and more $5 each



Triple Verified Call Center IRS Tax Transfer

$65-$55 Each

RADIO TAX LEADS RAW calls $75-$55 depending on QTY


These leads are generated on the Radio using the best radio commercials for Tax Debt Leads around..They are IRS DEBT Tax leads that caller nationwide need your help getting out of debt today..They closing percentages on these leads are very high and we deliver what is promised. The  quantity is coming in on these leads .These are by far the best IRS tax Resolution radio leads in the industry .Start getting your Tax Resolution Radio calls today.

Click To Call Tax Leads $75 Each and Less.RAW calls

These are one of the Best converting Tax Resolution Tax Leads around.Consumers see our internet ads and and banners and then call in on a 1800 number and the call come directly to your firm and specialists .This will keep your agents busy and have a high ROI.


Internet Real Time Tax IRS DEBT Leads


Real-Time Form-Fill Tax Relief Leads


$67each depending on QTY and states.

Semis $35 each



Aged 30-60 days $6 -$4each

Aged 90 days or older $3-$1.50 each

These leads are generated via PPC, banner advertisements  nationwide.

Citizens apply online and it has lots of fields such as debt amount phones, emails ,addresses time/date and more..

These are highly qualified leads and getting great results..


Also we have 30-60 days old IRS TAX DIALER  leads for .30 -.20 and lower great for dialers and getting great response..

We have aged radio and TV IRS TAX leads great for telemarketing ..




We mail out to opt in clients who have $15,000 in Tax Debt excluding sales tax..We give you your own 800 number for tracking and your office will be flooded with phone calls of nationwide callers looking to settle their IRS Tax Debts. This is a high closing lead..


TAX IRS TAX DEBT DATA....25-.20 and less depending on QTY

Get data for your dialers .These are leads from IRS Liens etc and great numbers of people with 15k Tax IRS Tax Debt..My clients are having great success with these leads on their programs.. Also have records a couple of years old if needed as some clients require..These are the cheapest TAX Debt records around....

SPECIAL 18 Hour Old TAx Debt Live Transfers.$18-$15 EACH.

One of our biggest clients is taking 100s of calls a day from our call center for TAX Debt Live transfers at a very big reduced rate with the understanding we give them to them for 18 hours and resell them to one more client. We send you the data in excel sheet and your reps will call and close lots of deals at half the cost..


TAX DEBT Back END Processing Branching .

I have a solid back end for TAX Debt where you make up to 75% Commission and they do your back end processing .This company has been doing it awhile and you will get great customer service  and tracking on all deals  .It won’t cost a thing to get set up and they will provide the tools and training for your company to start doing Tax Debt Settlement .

Please call or email me and I will introduce you to the owner of the company immediately.. Tax settlement has a long-term business potential and is a complimentary, lucrative, add-on product for any debt restructuring organization.




Internet Student Debt Consolidation Leads $7-6 each and less We have exclusives and semis
Internet Student Debt Leads are real time exclusive internet leads generated thru organic search, PPC, search and email. A prospect fills a form out and it is the zipped to a email in HTML format or your CRM. It is proven that use of a CRM increases closing percentages due to its organization and tracking of follow ups for leads. If you can find an internet lead dedicated to Student Debt as a service you should jump all over it because most people try for debt management and debt settlement first due to the stigma attached to Student Debt. A specific internet Student Debt lead would have a lot more buy in from a customer who responds to a Student Debt offer. In most cases however, internet Student Debt leads are simply aged debt settlement leads because potential customers need to get to their last straw before they decide to go BK. This means they need to fail at debt settlement or debt management before they resort to Student Debt. An internet Student Debt lead is a good lead when available and when worked properly will yield results. We have the best Internet Student debt consolidation leads at great pricing.
Pricing is based upon quantity. We generate 1000s Daily..

Radio Live transfer Student Debt Leads $22-18 and less Depending on qtyThese leads are from radio student debt consolidation advertisements on nationwide stations and come directly to your phones and are all recorded on KALL8.These are the best student debt consolidation leads around. We offer quantity discounts and we are on the best radio stations in the nation.A Plus generates 1000s of radio student debt leads daily..

TV Debt Leads for Student Debt Consolidation .
Inquire within as we are testing out currently on media and will see our CPL..We can make your own commercial and place media with a cash buy.
After the testing has been completed and we are getting the results we need we will post the price per lead and all calls will be recorded on KAll8

Also inquire about Direct Mail Student Debt Leads and the others.We also have the biggest selection of aged Student debt consolidation leads.

Direct Mail Student Debt Leads ,Call Center Live Transfer Student Debt Leads,Live Chat Internet Student Debt Leads,SMS Text Message Student Debt Leads,Internet Web Call Student Debt Leads,Co-Registration Internet Student Debt Leads,Predictive Dialer Debt Management Leads,Credit Bureau Student Debt Leads,Modeled Data Student Debt Leads,Data-Base Student Debt Leads,Door Hanger Student Debt Leads
Face To Face Student Debt Leads

Appointment Student Debt Leads

Referral Student Debt Leads

Public Record Student Debt Leads

Banner Ad Student Debt Leads

Call today about aged student debt consolidation leads .We have lots and at low prices.

To get started on a successful student debt consolidation lead campaign call 714-552-4244.

A Plus offers besides the best student debt consolidation leads in the industry.

A+ Action Leads would appreciate the chance of doing business with your company. I can provide you great Tax Debt leads, debt settlement, debt consolidation ,loan modification and mortgage leads, AUTO LOAN LEADS, Auto warranty Leads, Education leads in English and now in Spanish too.. I can provide email blasts , direct mail , bankruptcy , debt , and tons of other information. Live Transfers, Exclusives, real time ,semi-exclusives. My service will be great and personable. I will value and need great clients like you. Below are some of the leads that I provide , and the price. All states are avail. and more qty the better the price. There is lots of info below and lots to read. Read carefully so that you don’t miss anything..We offer lots of leads.


DEBT LEADS and Data INFO Below


Exclusive Real-Time (PPC generated.) Canadian Debt Leads~     $28-$36 offered now as well.

Email or phone for aged Canadian Debt Leads.


DEBT LIVE TRANSFERS American Call Center Generated ! Nationwide debt clients .$55-$45 each.. Get Live transfers via phone nationwide .Set your hours etc…Companies are converting very well with these. Call center here in America qualifies debt consumers seeking to get out of debt…. The debt transfers work exactly like the mortgage transfers do. The portal is the same and as a matter of fact the leads currently look like mortgage leads except the debt information is listed in the additional applicant information box. We currently have customers with filters of 10k unsecured debt, income required, bank account required, 2 credit card minimum, and can add custom filters as needed.A very high percentage of the leads are closing and we have a lot of good higher debt amount leads..Some clients closing over 30%!

TELEVISION COMMERCIAL ADS DEBT LEADS $55-$52 and lower Nationwide.

TAX DEBT $65-$60 .PROVEN RESULTSOur Debt Settlement and Tax Debt Settlement commercials are aired on over 3,000 television stations nationwide on such well known stations as Fox,Family Channel,ESPN,History Channel and many other well known channels 24/7 .Callers call in on our special 800 toll free number and then the call comes directly into your  office to the number you give us with the caller on the phone in desperate need of your company’s help.These leads are closing at a high percentage and will get you the ROI your looking for. These are 60 second non-Obama ads mentioning you must have at least $10,000 in Unsecured debt.We offer KAll-8 tracking

We are delivering daily and unlike other companies we can get you up and running in a day or two instead of waiting a week.  Getting great results Read Debt Leads Section! Nationwide ..Tracking report !Great ROI!Unlike the other Media companies that promise Quantity and don’t produce what the promise “WE Do!..We do generate 1,000s a day and do not over sell! QUANTITY daily!


NEW LEAD Live Transfer Screened Debt Settlement Leads From TV Commercials $48-$45

Callers see our commercials from our  Debt Television commercials and call in our 800 number. These are missed calls or TV Leads that were not delivered for whatever reasons. We then have our call center reps call the number back and screen them to make sure they  have at least $10,000 or more credit card unsecured debt, they have a source of income and can afford payments monthly ,they have a valid bank account, not in a program and no bks .

Once they are qualified then we transfer to your agent and it’s a live transfer

We are generating tons of these daily nationwide and getting excellent results and they come from American call centers..


ALSO Aged TV Leads Internet,with phones etc. Special 550,000 Leads from JANUARY 2010 till recent  for  $1,000Plus More  Internet etc..

These are from one of my affiliates  and not from my own leads..This is aged leads from other campaigns that are outside of my company and excellent for dialers.

Great results..I repeat this is not from one of my campaigns  and I have access to these leads through networking etc from my affiliates as I would not be stupid enough to sell my own data..These are great leads for a cheap price and will keep your phones ringing off the hook..



We have a national mailing campaign targeting people with $15,000 or more in unsecured debt.(90 second buffer)

The lead is then transferred to your reps as they call in . The calls will produce 25% to 35% of talks times over 10 min. with a closing ratio 17% to 22% and any call that has under 10K in C/C debt is returnable. This is the best closing lead in the business with great talk times and conversions .These are high quality calls.


SPECIAL PRICED LIVE TRANSFERS $25- $5,000 min. Must Do Debt Management and Settlement and the Debt amounts are mostly very high..
Nationwide screened .


These leads are generated and verified at American call centers and verified for a second time and then sent to you via email within hours of speaking to debt clients..
These are highly qualified and generate a high closing ROI for your company .They can be sent within minutes or hours of speaking to client and in some cases we can tell client exactly who will be calling them back. Prices as with every lead vary depending on Quantity,States,filters etc..
Debt amount of $10,000 or more in unsecured credit debt.

Exclusives -$30
Semi-Exclusives $15-$10
One Week or older please call to discuss pricing..

Internet Debt Leads ..Spanish also
These leads are generated through lots of online advertisements and banners and are not incentivized .We have numerous online banners and catchy ads and thousands of responses daily These can be real time posted leads or sent over to you immediately via email in an excel file..We have a very high closing percentage for these leads and also a good return policy. These are leads of people who have unsecured credit debt of $10,000 or more and need help ..has email, time stamp ,phones ,best time to call ,debt amount ,name,address,phones,ip address ,cells phones when filled out. These are very cost effective and  shops are getting very good ROI’s on these internet Debt leads.

Exclusives $25-$20 each depending on QTY
Semis $10       each depending on QTY

24 hours old $3 -$2each

I week old $1 each

30-2 weeks old  .25 -.12 each and less depending on QTY,states,etc..          

each and less depending on QTY and filters ..
Special on 30 day or older .Please call to discuss.

Also we have a special that will be sold to only 3 clients and that is $1200 you get over 400,000 internet debt leads emails etc from 2009 - Present.Great for training ,dialers ,email blast etc..There are great deals here.Please call to discuss

RADIO Debt Settlement Commercial Live Transfers $50-$43 Depending on Qty

Callers call in directly to your office after hearing our commercial on Debt Settlement .The commercial mentions $10,000 in unsecured debts .These commercials are aired on over 5,000 stations nationwide. Tracking reports provided .We generate 1000s daily .The closing percentages are very high for these leads.We can set state restrictions and tailor the program to meet your hours  and days.

CREDIT & DEBT DATA CARDS ..Please inquire about our many selects

1.90-day Delinquent Credit Card
Reach distressed credit card holders that recently crossed over 90 days delinquent on at least one major credit card. This group of consumers needs help and most will respond to offers of credit repair, consolidation, and offers of secured credit. Many have incomes and simply ‘let go’ of a credit card payment. Help get these consumers on the right track.
2.Debt Consolidation Leads
Target consumers by direct mail or by telephone that have sought to consolidate their multiple credit cards and collections. Sort this database by amount of debt, type of debt, and how recent the inquiry was made. This file is from TV and internet advertising and is sold within 24 hours after the lead initially inquiries. Aged leads upon request.
Mortgage brokers can select homeowners with equity as well to consolidate debt (fico/beacon filter available).

3.Pay Day Loan Applicants

Market to online inquiries from over 9 unique websites dedicated to pay day loan applicants. Each record has 2 phone numbers, time/date stamp, and full address and email optional. Target anyone looking for a short term loan.

4.Credit Card Turndown Data
The New Credit Card Activation & Turndown Hotline provides comprehensive coverage of consumers with brand-new spending power or that have been recently denied a major credit card! Popular offers include Catalog, insurance, home improvement, furniture and financial services and product marketers will find these among their top prospects.
Target debt and credit repair services with our turndown database. Other offers include secured credit cards and impulse purchases for new activations.

5.Credit Card Activations
The New Credit Card Activation & Turndown Hotline provides comprehensive coverage of consumers with brand-new spending power or that have been recently denied a major credit card! Popular offers include Catalog, insurance, home improvement, furniture and financial services and product marketers will find these among their top prospects.
Target debt and credit repair services with our turndown database. Other offers include secured credit cards and impulse purchases for new activations.

6.Delinquent Credit Card Debt
These consumers are late on their credit cards. Select by FICO, trade lines, revolving debt, and many more to pinpoint offers to help them catch up or to extend additional credit at a sub-prime rate. Pull by fico and income to ensure creditworthiness.



—1,000s daily.Exclusive and Semis

We generate 1000’s of  PayDay Loan Leads everyday with over 21 plus filters including socials ,employment history etc on multiple websites. These  are the best Payday Loan leads  in the business. Ask to see sample of the filters .These leads come with complete information.

Exclusives $15 -$100 Tier Ping/Program

24 hour old $5-$2 each depending on Qty

Semis $10-$7 each

Aged 20 days or more .25 each and less .

Aged 90 days or more for pennies ..Please Inquire..


Special 220,000  March 2010 till recent Long Form Payday Internet leads with over 21 fields for $1000




A+ is now helping agents close lots of deals with our Bankruptcy real time internet leads .These are Bankruptcy INTERNET LEADS delivered to your company in real time as the prospect fills out the online application for help with their current financial status. They are waiting for the phone to ring with a call from your counselor to help settle their bankruptcy  case. Along with the typical personal info that comes with a internet lead such as address ,phone,names,ip addresses etc you will receive the information completed on the application .


Are you considering bankruptcy for you & your spouse (joint)? If yes, what is your spouse's name?

Approximate amount of monthly expenses

What assets do you have? (car, house, savings, etc.)

What type of monthly income do you have now? (job, social security, child support, etc.)

* Have you filed for bankruptcy in the past six years?

Approximate amount of monthly income for applicant(s       

* Do you currently have an attorney representing you in this matter?

* Briefly describe the financial problems that lead you to seek bankruptcy.

These leads are helping counselor help prospects with their bankruptcy cases and closing high percentage of calls that they will make using our leads. We replace bad leads .These are the best internet Bankruptcy Leads in the industry..





AUTO Loan Mod TV/Radio Leads $18-$13 depending on QTY….


Auto Warranty $50-$45 depending on QTY

These leads are from our television Commercials and radio commercials that are being shown nationwide 24 hours a day on over 3,000 different channels ON MAJOR TV STATIONS such as Fox Sports,ESPN,History Channel and more. People  after seeing our commercial  call into your company number directly to your reps .They are facing hardships on their current plan and need a modification..We generate 1,000s daily ..People are closing10% and  18% average ..There are two different kinds of leads .Tracking reports and lead management system  provided..These are the best Auto Loan Modification in the business ..We deliver as promised with the quantity promised..




A+ now has nationwide radio commercials in Spanish and  internet ads on huge Spanish networks and has our call centers number for them to call.Then we filter the lead  and transfer the   call directly to your rep with the client on the phone  ......Must speak  Spanish and these leads are  $45-$40 each depending on QTY and states................Loan Modifications and Debt, Auto and more




30-90 days old-$3-$2 each depending on QTY

90 days and older $1.50 -$100 each depending on QTY



24hr~ $3-$6

14 Day~ $2-$5

30-60 Day~ $0.65-$1.50


14 Day~ $4



24hr Short Form~ $0.15-$0.25

24hr Long Form~ $0.30-$0.45

30-90 Day Long Form~ $0.12-$0.30


Get real Time Life Insurance leads delivered to your salesman in minutes of a interested US citizen filling out an online application  .They are eagerly awaiting your sales rep to call with a  good life insurance quotation .

Lots of info provided and these leads have a very high closing percentage ..We offer the best life insurance internet lead in the leads business. Start increasing your sales today and order our highly qualified leads.

This is a nationwide campaign generated by online sites ,banners, advertisements, and pay to click campaigns.

No incentivized leads  .




Television Commercial LIVE TRANSFERS  $45-$35  each Nationwide.

We run a commercial on 1400 English channels nationwide daily and pre qualify the leads in a US call center and then once they are qualified and match your Filters we then transfer the call to your rep via the phone. Please ask to see our commercial.

These are high closing leads for the loan modification industry from the best TV Ads run nationally. These are compliant per new laws and getting excellent results.These Loan Mod TV leads are also made in Spanish nationwide on the majority of the nations Spanish language channels.



A+ now has nationwide radio commercials in Spanish and  internet ads on huge Spanish networks and has our call centers number for them to call. Then we filter the lead  and transfer the   call directly to your rep with the client on the phone  ......Must speak  Spanish and these leads are  $45-$35each depending on QTY and states...These are by far the best Spanish Loan Modification TV Leads around and getting tremendous results.

LIVE TRANSFERS $45-$35  US Call Center Live Transfer Loan Modification Leads

These are very Qualified live transfers with filters set by you. All states usually loans of $100,000 or more.
Voice files avail and we can use your online portals. Very good return policy. High closing percentage ..Spanish also....Must be behind 30 days or more.
Must Be Employed and be able to afford payment for program .
Client must have time to speak to your rep.
hey are exclusive to your company only.
Nationwide leads .Each campaign and script can be modified to your needs.


30 day  to 120 days $2  to .50 each depending on Qty

These are from various call centers .

QTY Discounts !



 $35-$25 Exclusive
$15-$10 Semi

Generated through many online banners and emails. Then verified and sent to you within hours.All 50 states .These are people who really need help with their loans..
We send these via email in excel format.

These leads are generated through online advertising such as search words ,banners and email campaigns..
Filters are $100,000 or more loan
Interest rates.
Must be behind by 30 days or more.
Must be employed.
Other filters up to 23 fields on each lead and we can tailor your companies need's.

EXCLUSIVES .....$40-$29 each and Less Depending on States,Qty,Filters
SEMI-Exclusives $12-$9 each and Less Depending on States,Qty,Filters

Special Loan Modification Exclusive Real Time Lead $16 Each.

These leads are generated from our Refinance sites and has people with fair and poor credit only .

Loan amounts of $125 k or more and at least 30 days behind on their mortgage .These are great Loan Modification Leads.


We can provide you with aged data and fresh data good for telemarketing or your dialers.
Just Send us an Inquiry and we will give you counts and pricing.


Real-Time Form-Leads~ $29-$40

Real-Time Inbound Web-Calls~ $33-$40

Real-Time Inbound T.V Calls~ $33-$45


24hr (Live Transfer Feed)~ $4-$8

14 Day Feed (PPC) Leads~ $2-$6

30-60 Day~ $0.75-$2.50

61-90 Day~ $0.35-$0.65

91+ Days~ $0.20-OBO

Never Sold (3-6 Weeks Old)~ $2-$8




Lead Type

Loan Amount



Price (Volume below 100 day)

Price (Volume @ or above 100 day)

Conventional Call Center Transfers Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



Conventional Call Center VTD (Voice to data) Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



Conventional Exclusive Internet Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



Conventional Semi-Exclusive Internet Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



FHA Call Center Transfer Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



FHA Call Center VTD Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



FHA Exclusive Internet Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



FHA Semi-Exclusive Internet Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



VA Call Center Transfer Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent


We will talk

VA Call Center VTD Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent


* We will talk

VA Exclusive Internet Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



VA Semi-Exclusive Internet Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



Reverse Mort Call Center Transfer Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent



Reverse Mort Call Center VTD Leads

125k and up


Good & Excellent






Mortgage Mailer Leads ..with tracking Kall8 etc.Great Mortgage leads..Get calls in the areas you want!

I only use the highest quality data so you have the opportunity to write a loan on every call.  When we drop your mail I will handle everything top to bottom for you. Our production team will make sure your mail gets out on time, and that you’re always in the loop. Our mail pieces are compliant and creative. We offer unique options to increase your response rate, protect you from downswings, and separate yourself from the pack. You can do your own specific area and get locals to come see you in person .

And we make mailing easy to track, manage, and maximize with our three campaign tracking tools including:

Mail Tracking System to guarantee 100% of your mail is delivered. You will always know where you stand

Each mail piece has a unique code, so when your borrower calls, input the code into the web-based CRM system (provided by us at no additional cost **you can also use your own CRM), and the buyer's information will pop up so you can approach the inbound call prepared and professional

Also, you have a call tracking and recording platform at no additional cost. It will allow you to see live calls, run reports, and listen to recordings for training purposes.


With your direct mail campaigns you will have 1 all inclusive cost that will include the design and printing of your piece, postage, targeted data, and the tracking tools provided above.


We are mailing HIGH VOLUME of the campaigns below because of market trend, but we can build around whatever is hottest for you right now.




We are seeing great response to the new FHA Streamline mail campaign. The new guidelines are opening up the floodgates. Parameters can be adjusted to your preference.

$150,000 - $417,000 mortgage balance

650+ FICO

FHA/VA Loans only

Current rate of 4.5% or higher

Originated before 5/31/2009

HARP 2.0

We have generated several thousand inbound calls from our HARP 2.0 mail campaigns in the past few months. Our data is accurate, and we are generally targeting the following client parameters:

Up to 140% LTV

$150,000 - $417,000 mortgage balance

650+ FICO

Fannie or Freddie loans only (can target both or either one)

Current rate of 4.5% or higher

Originated before 5/31/2009




We can adjust these parameters to fit your specific requests. Raise the minimum FICO, loan balance, lower the LTV range, etc… We give you the opportunity to write a loan on every call.

Up to 85% LTV

$150,000 - $417,000 mortgage balance

650+ FICO

Targeted lenders if needed

Income range

Specify current minimum rate


All of my mail campaigns are responding consistently right around 1% to 1.5% depending on the program and volume. That means for every 10,000 mailers you’ll receive anywhere from 100 to 150 calls and sometimes more. Everything that’s included with your mail drop will be covered in one inclusive per mailer price which starts at $0.75-.70 and less depending on volume per mailer with volume discounts.  In other words 10,000 mailers will run you $7,500 and less  This is the best way that we have found to get your team taking apps and moving loans forward rather than hunting them down and turning them down.


Mortgage Live Transfer lead *LIVE HOT TRANSFER English or Spanish via Phone $50-$45 Each depending on QTY. states ,filters
3 minute Timer or your not charged
We can do state specific or Nationwide
US based call center

We use best mortgage data and mortgage internet leads and they are screened and qualified by trained call center representatives, and hot transferred directly to your loan officers. The following are 6 key points explaining the program:

1. Hot Transferred Leads
The process involved in delivering the hot transferred lead to your company is as follows:
The prospective borrower calls in off an advertisement (30 to 45 second scripted voice broadcasting message) into our call center.
The call center representative then qualifies the prospect and puts the caller on hold while they dial into your room. Once contact has been established, our Call Center Rep will give your loan officer the pertinent information (name, phone number, and lead ID number) and merge the line and introduce the caller to your rep. Our Call Center Rep will then terminate self from the call. This is great way to have live, instant contact with an interested caller.
2. Specialized Data
A+Action Leads advertises to specialized data that targets homeowners with the following loan criteria:
Active Homeowner
Single Family, Town home, Condo
Current Mortgage Balance $100,000 or higher
LTV 90% or less
No bankruptcies
No foreclosures
1. Screened Leads
A+Action Leads call center representatives are trained to screen every call on a per client basis depending on the following qualifications.
1. First and Last Name
2. Phone Number
3. State
4. New Home Purchase or Refinance Loan
5. 100,000 and Up Loan Amount
6. Current Interest Rate
7. 700 plus fico
$15.00-$8 each Exclusive Voice Broadcast Leads –SPANISH IS NOW AVAIL.. Same Price!

Pay internet lead prices for INBOUND Live Transfer Leads! For only $15-$8/call, our new system puts your loan officers in direct contact with live borrowers! New automated Voice Broadcast technology allows our company to bring this revolutionary process to you for a fraction of what other companies are charging for Live Transfer’s.
Filter who the calls are made to by State in either English or Spanish
Have inbound calls during business hours only, and transfer calls to cell phones if you want! All Voice Broadcast Transfers are 100% Exclusive. Contact me at the number below for more detailed information!
With good L/O's there getting more than 40% apps.

We're now able to automatically generate inbound phone calls to your loan officers. Consumers calling your office will be pre-filtered to your exact specifications. You will have an excellent idea of who will be calling before they call.

Using newly developed technology, our Voice Broadcast lead generation program utilizes our vast 25 million record database. Once your list has been checked against the national “Do Not Call” list, we record an automated message for your company.

After your approval, we broadcast this message for you during hours you choose. If the consumer is interested, they press one and are immediately connected to your loan officer. By pressing two, they are removed from our lists.

All calls are recorded and stored for you in an accessible “Call Library.” We encourage the continued use of this one of a kind training tool. Loan officers with useful resources at their finger tips close more loans. It’s time for you to have a reliable connection to consumers that NEED your services.
Minimum Buy, 100 Hot Transfers prepaid
• Any State or area codes
• Capacity to take a minimum of 5 Hot Transfers per day

Any change from the filters above will require special pricing.

Requirements: Dedicated main phone line and email address..

Note: All Hot Transfer leads are 100% exclusive.

*** NEW ***Voice Broadcast 60 Second Lead $40 each, ***BEST LEAD In My OPINION!***********************
Same as above but ,you only pay for the calls that remain on the line for at least 60 seconds .Anything less and you don’t pay for.. A great lead !You can tell in that amount of time who is a serious borrower. Min 50 leads. Ask for samples of recordings.
This generation system can be used in numerous marketing campaigns in other industries such as debt, time share , vacation packages, automobile,insurance and more.
This works great and keeps those phones ringing and the cash flowing.
You’ll be more than happy with these leads.

 Mortgage Internet Leads



This lead is generated from internet sites and banners . As they come in they are called upon and verified from a called center in America and verified and made sure that the borrower is really interested in a loan.
Once everything is verified and it’s a great lead , it is then transferred to you right away within minutes of them applying . You get it via email.

$10 -$5 Semi Exclusive -Like the ones above except sold twice and then to you only, that same day.

***SPECIAL*** 7th Day : This lead is sold to Amer and another company as a semi. After the 7th day it is up for grabs. They are cost effective and great for training and keeping your LOS busy all of the time. The quantities and states you want will affect your pricing.
It's better price wise , if you can go multiple states.. We can set perimeters . A couple of very large Mortgage Companies are currently using these leads with their staff of 100 plus L/O's and happy.
$8 and can go down as low as $5 per lead.

***NEW LEAD AM QUEST with adjustable date lead $6-$2 each nationwide ….This lead is a AmeriQuest borrower and has an adjustable date coming up and option arms etc…Nationwide leads …A great lead for a great price .Adjustable dates up to December 2008.Ask for more info…

Lender Specific leads for $3-$1 each .Many Lender specific leads ..

****Special***14-60 Day

Same as above, except the leads are older .A good to close deals because a lot of L/O's have stopped calling the borrower by now and is ripe for the taking. And at this price it’s a steal...Depending on states and perimeters and quantity .This lead starts out at the nice cheap price of
$3.00 and can easily go down to $1.00 per lead


VOICE BROADCAST Spanish Leads $15-$10 Each Min...100 Leads See Attached New Spanish.
This lead is generated by us sending an outgoing message in Spanish to Spanish Speakers nationwide, homeowners. If they are interested in speaking to a loan officer regarding a refinance or purchase, they press the number one on the phone. Then the call is immediately transferred to whatever phone number that you supply us with. You can even record your own 45 second outgoing message. Using our online system you can set your own hours, hear the recorded conversations between your loan officers and the borrowers, run daily reports, disable and enable the calls whenever you feel like it .These leads will keep your phones and loan officers busy..Pay Internet Lead prices for live Calls….It’s a numbers game and a lot of calls are bad. You should close 1-5% on the first campaign and in some cases higher.

Spanish Mortgage Live Transfers $50-$45 and Lower-Nationwide..
These leads are generated using the best Spanish Mortgage data around by a call center rep located in Mexico .The rep calls and qualifies the potential borrower using your filters and requirements to qualify them ,Once they are qualified and our rep is assured that they would like to speak to a loan officer then the call is immediately transferred to your loan officer with the borrower on the line. This call center was set up by a mortgage professional who is very familiar with what a good lead is ,fluent in English and Spanish, and trained the reps. We have a good ROI with these leads and this is a huge growing market and no other lead company has been able to get these great results. Trust me!

Telemarketed Spanish Mortgage  Leads

Exclusives …$45each Semi-Exclusives $20 Each
These Leads are internet leads and Hispanic data that are called upon by call center reps in Mexico .The borrowers are interested in getting a loan and are verified. We provide you with the voice recordings of the leads so that there are no questions about the borrower being interested in a loan.
Then these are delivered to you via email. This is a great lead!

Television Commercial Leads ..Purchase or Refinance…$55-$42 Spanish Also
This lead is generated from a nationwide television commercial * .Borrowers call into a call center and our call center reps have a script used below.

These are the best refinance leads in the industry

*****NEW LEAD ***** Exclusive Mini Apps: $45 each FHA also
Minimum Order: 35 (Without minimum order there is a $200 set up fee) With mp3 of conversation with borrower $60
• Phone Verified thru our mortgage division. Each mini App is provided exclusively to you with the name of the Loan Originator and Loan Officer who filled out the application and assessed the borrower’s needs.
• Referrals will be sent to you via email or fax

Live Transfers: $75 Each ($80 in CA/TX/FL& NY) FHA leads also..
Minimum Order: 15 (Without minimum order there is a $200 set up fee)

Loan Officer speaks with Borrower, verifies information and confirms that there is a legitimate need for a conventional or subprime loan.
Loan Officer explains to the borrower that it does not offer conventional or subprime programs but we will patch them immediately to someone that can assist them.
Borrower will be directly connected to you with 2-minute conversation verification before patch operator hangs up.
We replace the following Live Transfers:
Foreclosures and Bankrupt
Sub 500 Fico
Bogus Request
Mobile and Manufactured Homes
003 application will be immediately E-mailed or faxed.

 Mortgage Live Transfer lead *LIVE HOT TRANSFER English via Phone $50-$45 Each depending on QTY. states ,filters

FHA leads also
We use best mortgage data and mortgage internet leads and they are screened and qualified by trained call center representatives, and hot transferred directly to your loan officers. The following are 6 key points explaining the program:

1. Hot Transferred Leads
The process involved in delivering the hot transferred lead to your company is as follows:
The prospective borrower calls in off an advertisement (30 to 45 second scripted voice broadcasting message) into our call center.
The call center representative then qualifies the prospect and puts the caller on hold while they dial into your room. Once contact has been established, our Call Center Rep will give your loan officer the pertinent information (name, phone number, and lead ID number) and merge the line and introduce the caller to your rep. Our Call Center Rep will then terminate self from the call. This is great way to have live, instant contact with an interested caller.
2. Specialized Data
A+Action Leads advertises to specialized data that targets homeowners with the following loan criteria:
Active Homeowner
Single Family, Town home, Condo
Current Mortgage Balance $100,000 or higher
LTV 85% or less
No bankruptcies
No foreclosures
1. Screened Leads
A+Action Leads call center representatives are trained to screen every call on a per client basis depending on the following qualifications.
1. First and Last Name
2. Phone Number
3. State
4. New Home Purchase or Refinance Loan
5. 100,000 and Up Loan Amount
6. Current Interest Rate
2. Unique/Exclusive Leads

NEW*** Full 1003 w/SSN: $150 each ($40 extra for Credit Report)
Minimum Order: 15 (Without minimum order there is a $200 set up fee)

• Phone Verified thru our call center division. Each full 1003! is provided exclusively to you with the name of the Loan Originator and Loan Officer who filled out the application and assessed the borrower’s needs.
• Referrals will be sent to you via email or fax within 30 minutes of verification!
Borrowers have consented to being referred to you and will be expecting a call from you or your company!
We replace the following 1003:
Foreclosures and Bankruptcies
Sub 500 Fico
Bogus Request, Wrong and Disconnected phone #’s
Mobile and Manufactured Homes
Borrowers that you can’t contact
Exclusive Loan Packages: $200 each
Minimum Order: 10 (Without minimum order there is a $200 set up Fee)

Loan Packages Include the Following:

Full 1003 Applications !
Social Security Number!
Credit Reports!
Income Verification!
Job Verification!
W-2 or 1099’s!

We replace the following 1003:
Foreclosures and Bankruptcies
Sub 500 Fico
Bogus Request
Wrong and Disconnected phone #’s
Mobile and Manufactured Homes
Borrowers that you can’t contact!
DATA ……….


Trigger data or trigger leads are offering the highest ROI of any type of data currently available. These are consumers who have recently had their credit pulled regarding purchasing or refinancing their home or auto.

Until now, this type of data was only available to companies that were able to make a long term commitment to the credit bureaus.

Now anyone can take advantage of this new program. All filters are included at no additional charge.
Current Mortgage Amount
Credit Score
Age of current loan
Balance of aggregate debt
The phone numbers are appended and scrubbed against the DNC list. Approximately 85% of all numbers will be valid; we do NOT give credit for bad numbers.
Call for Quote Now:
Min order of 500 leads at $2.75 per lead. (25 per day minimum)
1000 or more $2.25 per lead, 50 per day minimum
2500 or more $1.75 per lead, 50 per day minimum
5000 or more $1.25 per lead, 50 per day minimum

For an addition fee of $3 per lead, we will call the data 3 times for you and send any live transfers from people interested in speaking to a loan officer directly to you. In addition we will mail one time a marketing piece with your company information.

AGED Live Transfer Leads .25 each and Less Nationwide!
These are 1 month to 8 month old live transfers from the best call center in America! They were screened by filters and then transferred to loan officers. These were interested borrowers only …These are great telemarketing leads and great for your dialers.

California Special over 500,000 leads for $600.Most with emails..

EMAIL BLAST ……..05 -.03 each..
We can do a mortgage email blast using your specific mortgage data or ours.Nationwide.Full tracking reports and everything needed to monitor your successful campaign..You can use your outgoing piece or we can make one for you…

Mortgage Marketing Data AS LOW AS .01 PER RECORD And LESS!
This is an excellent resource for outbound marketing campaigns such as direct mail and telemarketing campaigns. We can filter all data through the following parameters – State, Loan Amount, Current Interest Rate, LTV, and Credit Rating. These lists are between fifteen days and four years old. All have expressed interest in refinancing within that period of time. Total Records Available – 25 Million.

Debt Leads –Fresh and Aged! Call for details…
.*Aged mortgage and debt leads …prices vary from .10- 3.00 a lead.
Email blasts from.25 -.05 a name.
I can get all kinds of data .
Mailing List etc.. If you have a need for any kind of list period!, I can provide it for you.
• I worked for a direct mail company and have lots of contacts nationwide for all kinds of lists .
• All leads come with a contractual guarantee.
• Checks and contract are made out to the Lead generation company that

Branch Licensing in 50 States ..Online banking .FHA approved.
Want to do out of state loans and not approved in many states? I can get you working under a great branch and able to do loans IN 50 STATES !ONLINE BANKING.FHA loans etc..Full support ..
Marketing: I can do marketing for your company. I can get you listed under various search terms with a high ranking on Google for as low as $500 to start!




Live Transfers and Internet and Data

Live Transfers $55-$45 .

We generate these calls by the online web application that is filled out  by the interested parties. We then call them and ask them if they have a diploma or GED,if they are a U.S. citizen, if they have a computer with internet at home, what field of studies are they interested in (can be tailored for your school) and if they have time to speak to a rep.Once they answered the questions we then call your reps with them on the phone.We have scripts and you are more than welcomed to provide us one also.


We also have internet Education Leads and data for dialers for Education Leads.


Business to Business leads

B2B Data


Cost per

Compiled Business





Diabetic Leads



Cost per

Long Form






Mid Form






Short Form





Voice Broadcasting Features

100% Web Based Account Management

View anything about your campaigns in real time.

Scrub your lists against the State and Federal Do Not Call Database.

Internal Customer DNC Support

Press 1s, Predictive Campaigns, Forward and Reverse IVR, Message Blasts

Anything from political campaigns to lead generation.

Announcement and Voicemail Drops.

100% Fiber Network

The best voice quality in the industry.

Ask your current provider if they have a fiber network!

CNAM Management

Control your outbound Caller ID in real time.

Ability to route callbacks or allow a second chance opt out.

Consumer and Business Database Access

Access our database on a per record basis or by way of an unlimited account.  All OPT-IN Data from all types of sources.

                             Predictive Dialing Plans

Rookie (24\7 Unlimited Dialer)

Amateur (24\7 Unlimited Dialer + Consumer Data)

Professional (24\7 Unlimited Dialer + Consumer + Modeled Data)

Voice Broadcasting Plans

                     Press 1, IVR, Announcement, Survey, Message Drops















*Contact your sales rep for more details. 

Get your phone ringing off the hooks with interested customers.


Website Design and Search Engine Optimization: and Lead Management System for all industries. We can now offer web design for a professional looking  website . We have great rates. We can  build a site that looks professional and will help you generate more business and keep track of those contacting your company for services .

Get a professional site built for as low as $500 .Very experienced at mortgage ,debt , and loan modification sites that generates leads.Great Quality work at a great affordable price and a site that is so very nice!Great graphics and animation etc..


We now offer search engine optimization and can get your sites ranked  high on most search engines and generating more revenue for your company at a fraction of a cost that other companies offer.


Mail Campaigns


Mail Campaigns for as low as .47-.50 each and less for Debt ,Mortgage and more..We get great data  and can design mailings and drop ship and handle everything from start to finish to provide your company with a successful mail campaign that will bring great results and sales. Our mail campaigns will have your phone ringing off the hook.

Mail Campaigns





CRM Access

Z Folded Pressure Sealed Snap Packs OR Envelope with a Window.

Barcode Tracking

Mail Pieces
















*Contact your sales rep for more details. 


Specialty List For Lots of industries We are your one-stop shop for direct-marketing needs, including:

• Special "Proprietary" industry lists which we guarantee quality  the best in the industry
• Targeted Business to Business "Email Lists"
• Extensive list brokerage and list search services
• Enhancements to your existing mailing lists - Email / Phone Appends
We can do everything from start to finish

If we don’t have the list we will find it.
All this and competitive prices too. We have over 40,000 lists that we have at our fingers that we can find which one fits your needs.

We pride ourselves in the best quality lists and have a fast friendly and dependable service.

Get the best list for mailing ,telemarketing, and emailing. Get your ROI!

We specialize in direct marketing .Its our job to get the prospects and your job to close.

Select from:

Proprietary Lists

Specialty Industry Lists (Our Partner developed and Updates and owns)

More than 500,000 business contacts

Email addresses (These are Updated weekly)

Telephone numbers

Fax numbers

Free updates whenever you need them

Exceptional accuracy, and our written quality guarantee

Select Names by:

SIC/Industry Code

Job Title/Function


These lists are developed and maintained by dedicated, in-house research group that regularly updates these highly accurate, targeted lists.

These are very special lists and they are not available anywhere else!


Business Lists

Access to thousands of listings not available through other list providers

A database of 18 million records, encompassing all types and sizes of businesses

Target by industry, geography, sales volume, company size, job function and more

Consumers Lists

We maintain one of the most comprehensive databases in the industry

Encompasses over 98% of all consumers

Includes more than 215 million records in 110 million households across the nation

Make sure your customer and prospect files are as up to date, effective and targeted as possible. We provide fast, easy—and affordable—services to help you.

Add and/or Update Email Addresses

Add missing email addresses to your customer and prospect files

Verify the deliverability of your current Email list

Add and/or Update Phone Numbers

Add missing phone numbers to your customer and prospect files

Verify the accuracy of your current phone list

National Change of Address (NCOA)

You'll drastically reduce the number of undeliverable records

You'll eliminate duplicate records

We can add Nixie codes, which will flag close matches and indicate why a match wasn't made. (Allows you to take specific corrective action.)

Add Demographic Information

Target your outreach by adding demographic information to your lists

Allows you to better analyze your customer base .

Enhance Consumer Lists by Adding:

Enhance Business Lists With:

Age (exact or inferred)

Children by age

Credit Card Holders

Dwell Type




Home Value


Length of Residence

Lifestyle Selects

Mail Responsive

Marital Status


Phone Numbers

Presence of children

Employee Size

Sales Volume

Key Contact Names

Employee Size Range

Phone Number

Fax Numbers

Job Function

Verify Phone Numbers Against "Do Not Call" Registry

By law, this service must be performed every three months on any lists in active use

Our accuracy rate is second to none.

We will interface with national databases of 35 million unique phone numbers, delivering the highest match-rate possible.

Want to update area codes? Use our fast, efficient update process.



Mailing and Phone Lists

Auto Warranty Leads

2002 & up with over 35 million records with First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Zip+4, Phone 1, Vehicle Year, Vehicle Make, Vehicle Model, (vin#)


Business Opportunity Leads

2008-2010. Well over 50 million leads with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email, when ready, best time to call, country, important, expected cost, important2.

Co-Registration Opt-In Leads

2007-2010. Over 300 million opt-in coregistration leads generated over the last 3 years. Headers: email, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, source, IP, time/date, dob, gender, etc. (varying fields)

Debt Settlement Leads
2007-2011. Well over 7 million leads with varying fields.

Education Leads

2009. People seeking education in different markets. 400k leads from 2008. Fields vary.

Life Insurance Leads

Over 1 million leads from 2005-2010 with email, name, address, city, state, zip, country, gender, phone, dob, time/date, height, weight, smoke, amount, IP, etc. Fields vary.

Mortgage Leads

2005-2010 Well over 15  million leads with varying fields. (standard mortgage headers)

Payday Loan Leads

2008-2011. Well over 12 m

illion leads inquiring about getting a cash advance loan until their next paycheck. Fields vary (short form)



Accountants CPA's

Nearly 14k records with Company Name, Contact Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email & Website.

Accountants CPA's

Nearly 14k records with Company Name, Contact Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email & Website.


Australian Businesses

Over 1 million records with Organization, Address, Location, State, Zip, St Name, St Number, St Extra, Email, Odd even, website, number of employees, AC phone, AC Fax, Phone, Fax, Mobile, ABN


Nearly 40k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name


Over 80k records with varying fields (no emails)

Boat Dealers

11k+ records with varying fields (no emails)

Boat Owners

Nearly 3 million records with email, fname, lname, address, city, state, zip, dob, database, number of children, gender.

Beauty Companies

Over 10k records with Company Name, Contact Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Fax, Email & Website

Belgium Businesses

Over 150k records with Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Phone, Fax, WebSite, Description, CategoryID, Email, Contact, ProductsServices, BusinessType, Employees, Income


Nearly 33k records with email, company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, website, contact name

Businesses In Other Countries

Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, France, Italy, Malaysia, Middle Eastern Businesses, Oman, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Vietnam fields

Canadian Consumers 2008
CompanyName, CompanyAddress, City, Provice, Postal Code, Phone, Phone2, Fax, WebSite, Email, ContactName, ContactName2 Email, FName, LName, Address, ADDR2, City, St, Zip, Country, Phone, Date/time, IP, Gender, DOB & Source

Canadian Fax



Nearly 114k records with company name, address, phone, fax, email & website

Churches & Ministries

72k records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

College Student Emails

1.7mm emails

Computer/Software Professionals
65k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name


Cruise Travel/Vacation Professionals
36k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name


600k plus dentists with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, and website


Over 1 million records with numerous fields in numerous categories


Over 18k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

          European executives

Over 240k records with company name, website, name, title, address, city, state, zip, providence, country, phone, fax, employees, revenue, industry, sic, email

Financial Businesses

Over 116k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact

Fitness Gyms

Over 3k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website

Food & Restaurant

Over 27k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Fortune 1000 Companies

1000 records with rank, revenue, company name, industry sector, ceo, website, phone, address, risk buyers name, risk buyers title, contacts email

any name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

France Businesses

Over 200k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City State Country, Phone, Fax, WebSite, Email, ContactName, CategoryID

Grant Seekers (US)

Over 151k records with first name, surname, lead, address 1, address 2, city, state, postal, phone, date, ip, sex, country, dob, Aff ID, media_ch, Url

Hauling, Moving, & Trucking

Over 16k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website

Health & Wellness Professionals

Over 77k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact


Over 6k records with Hospital, Address, City, State, Zip, Tel, Fax, CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs, list of fax numbers for all hospitals, Hospital-Stats, Hospitals, Medical Directors, Nursing Directors, Senior Administrators

Hotels & Motels

Over 7k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Hotels & Motels

Over 7k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Infomercial Buyers

Over 400k records with fname, lname, addr, city, state, zip, tel, ccexpr, cclastfour, cctype.

Insurance Agents & Brokers

Over 36k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Insurance Agents & Brokers

Over 36k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact name

Italy Businesses

Over 180k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Email, Website, Phone, Fax, ContactName

IT Companies

Over 120k records with name, company name, address, city, state, zip, fax, phone, email, sic, employees, salaries


Over 6k records with name, company name, address, city, state, zip, fax, phone, fax, email, website, contact name



Over 200k records with company name, name, address, city, state, zip, county, phone, fax, email, born, etc.

London Businesses

Over 65k records with Company, Town, County, Postcode, Telephone, Prefix, Fname, Sname, JobRole, Email.

            Timeshare Owners

Over 1 million records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, resort


Over 1 million records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, resort



Marketing Companies & Executives
Over 100k records with email, company, title, name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, fax, website. Fields vary - more than one database make the whole



Over 1 million mortgage brokers with various fields of information.

Nursing Homes

Over 650k records with Nursing Home, Address, City, State, Zip, Tel, Fax, Name, Title


Pharmacy Companies

Over 6k records with category, company, address, city, zip, state, phone, fax, email, website, contact name



Pharmacy Buyers

Over 200k records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, email, drug, drug2




Premier Investors



Public Companies Emails

Over 2k emails



Seminar Attendees & Course Buyers

Over 350k records with name, address, city, state, zip, email, phone Publishers Printers

Over 100k records with name, title, company name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, fax, industry, sic, employees, sales, website, email


Over 600k records with company name, name, phone, fax, email, address, city, zip, state, county




Over 8 million records with email, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, website source, ip, time/date, gender, dob

Small Businesses

Nearly 300k records with company, website, email, prefix, name, address, city, state, zip, country, phone, fax, industry, sic

Spanish Speaking Consumers

Over 7 million records with Email, Fname, Lname, Addr, City, State, Zip, Phone, Dob, Gender, DT, IP, Source



Over 300k records with email, name, ip, opt date, source

Spain Businesses

Over 130k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Email, Website, Phone, Fax, ContactName, CategoryID




Stock Investors

Over 3 million records with email, name, address, city, state, zip, phone, ip, time/date

Switzerland Businesses

Over 200k records with ID, Company Name, Address, City/State/Country, Email, Website, Phone,
Fax, Contact, Business Type, County

Switzerland Consumers

Over 800k records with Category, Company Name, Address, Country, Phone Contacts, Fax Numbers, Web Sites, Email Addresses, Contact Names and Positions, Description, Products and Services, Type of Business, Years in Business, Employees, Income

Taiwan Businesses

Over 150k records with Custid, EngName, EngAddr, EngGm, Area, Tel, Fax, Email, URL, PIC


Timeshare Owners

Over 1 million records with name, address, city, state, zip, phone, resort

Timeshare No Buys

Over 65k records


UK Cell Owners

Over 850k records

UK Consumers & Businesses

Millions of records

U.S. Business Fax List

Over 2 million fax numbers



U.S. & Canadian Businesses 2008

Millions of records

U.S. Consumers 2008

60 million plus records, fields vary due to more than one database.


U.S. Businesses 2009

Nearly 13 million records with Domain Name, Company, Contact, Address, Address2, City, State, ZIP, Tel, Fax, Email.

U.S. Cell Phone Records

Nearly 40 million+ records with name, address, city, state, zip, cell phone number


U.S. Manufacturers

Over 20k records with company name, address, city, state, zip, phone, fax, email, website, contact, year established, avg annual gross rev

Venture Capitalists

Over 10k records with company name, address, zip, state, phone, fax, email, website, contact name



24k records with varying fields (no phone)

Vietnam Businesses

Over 50k records with company_id, company_add_vn, company_add_us, Com Form_ID, email, internet address, m_phone, town etc


*Please note that you are responsible for DNC filtering, data cleaning, being can-spam compliant and following all laws for each channel you market to. We are not responsible for any filtering or any liabilities that would result from your marketing. We only provide data & discounts. You agree upon subscription or purchase not to hold us liable for any issues that may arise from your marketing to or using the data.*


Tony Hedrick for leads and other services

We work 7 days a week 7am -7pm PST
Please Contact Tony Hedrick today at 714-552-4244


Tony Hedrick

CALL ME at (714)-552--4244

FAX 714-242-6647

May today be your best day ever!

Be positive  and have good thoughts !

May peace be with you and your family!

Lets Make money Together!